Overview of PL/SQL


"Language makes it possible for a child to incorporate his parents’ verbal prohibitions,

to make them part of himself....We don’t speak of a conscience yet in the child who is

just acquiring language, but we can see very clearly how language plays an indispensable

role in the formation of conscience.


In fact, the moral achievement of man, the whole complex of factors that go into the

organization of conscience is very largely based upon language."   - Selma H. Fraiberg


Quote Courtesy: http://www.enotes.com/famous-quotes/language-makes-it-possible-for-a-child-to



PL/SQL is a language of difference. It is not intended to be a general purpose language. But

it is more used with SQL, the Query Language. By now you will be knowing that in SQL there is no

way you can run a loop, or to do more complex calculations just by using a SQL Query. So PL/SQL

has been built to bridge this gap.


In this chapter on Overview of PL/SQL the following are the things we are going to learn:


            1. Blocks

               a. Anonymous Blocks

               b. Named Blocks

            2. Variables and Constants

            3. Cursors

               a. Explicit Cursors

               b. Implicit Cursors


So here we start our first lesson in PL/SQL.


Expect the link for the chapter soon.


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